


Leadership is not about being in charge – it is about getting others to do great things.

Led by Antje Biber and Martin Roth, a platform was presented this June to put biodiversity on par with climate change for three days of collaborative sessions.

Losing oceans is the day the Earth stands still.
Half of our oxygen comes from our oceans. It is only on the brink that people find the will to change. We see the precipice; it is time we evolve.

The good cannot be the enemy of the perfect
84% Of investors cannot compare impact results. Despite no common metric to match each transaction baseline, this should not reduce the willingness to actually commit capital.

Incumbents need to change or nature will
We all know that old business models are risky: the narrative is of a crisis moving from the outside-in versus the narrative of transition (inside-out).

Gross Environment Product is the new GDP
Long-term themes will outperform because they include the positive contribution to the life of their contributors.

Our investments mimic nature
When 100 species can have up to 4,300 links and a third of the Earth’s surface is affected by our activity, so are our investments.

Taxonomy adherence is for the bold
Impact investing represents just 1 percent of the 7 trillion USD “sustainable investment” universe. We do too little and talk about labels too much.

Thanks to FERI for this unique initiative, giving all of us precious learning opportunities we look forward to advance with all stakeholders.